Thursday, September 8, 2022

Day 7: A day of tranquility and gratitude

 2/5/22 Tamarindo, Costa Rica

    In the morning, I hung out with a younger traveler I had met at the hostel. A great guy on his own journey and searching for his flow. The state of mind where you feel like your best self. The state of mind when you feel you are in "the zone". He was telling me about the upcoming retreat he was going on to learn more about staying in this state. Him and I explored the beach further past the cliff. We found a really tranquil spot with a few other people that had a lot of fish and the water was just right. There were rocks where the fish swam through and they kept the waves nice and calm where we sat. We had great conversations about our lives as we soaked in the sun. 

    In the evening, I watched the sun by the cliff. The cliff is off to the left from the entrance of the beach and takes about 20 minutes to walk to but the view was spectacular. Out of a movies watching this giant orange sun setting over the water of Costa Rica. It had me thinking, "Is this really my life now?" The aura I felt watching that sun set brought so much peace and joy into my life. I couldn't stop thinking this is really happening. I am living my dream. I am blessed. I am grateful. 


Day 7: A day of tranquility and gratitude

 2/5/22 Tamarindo, Costa Rica      In the morning, I hung out with a younger traveler I had met at the hostel. A great guy on his own journe...